This is a new concept for me. This whole…beauty…thing.
For almost all of my life, I have been the person who never wore make up. Unless you count the black eye shadow from my goth phase (but that shouldn’t ever be counted, trust me). Occasionally I wore concealer to cover the odd zit or two, but for the most part, I thought women wore makeup to cover up their natural beauty.
Boy, was I wrong!
First, it started with nail polish. For I realized that once I started painting my nails, I stopped biting them, and then I liked the way my nails looked. Long. Professional. Stunning.

As that addiction grew and grew, I felt something in the background. Something like a cat rubbing against my legs insistently.
When I finally addressed it, I realized that I rather like this whole pretty girl thing. I kind of liked the idea of putting on mascara with some sort of regularity. I liked the way it made me feel: like I was amazing and radiant and everyone noticed me.

It was then that I realized that makeup wasn’t to cover up natural beauty. It was to enhance it. Before long, I was won over by the beauty world.
But here’s the kicker: I’m still new. I’m still young, I’m still confused, and most of all, I’m still intimidated. All of those bloggers out there who can do a perfect cat eye in a single stroke scare the living daylights out of me. I feel like I don’t belong in their world sometimes.
But I have to start somewhere, and that somewhere is here. A place to talk about everything in my journey from novice to…less…novice. And it’s for all of you, too. All of you men and women who want to get in touch with makeup but don’t know where to start.
Here’s the line:
Let’s cross it together.
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